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Shamanic Practitioner 

July 2024



My name is Aimee

Welcome to Wings of Isis Shamanic Healing

I am perhaps what you would call a 'Modern Day Shamanic Practitioner'

I am here to guide you through your own personal healing journey using various healing techniques, unlocking the power and magic within.


The practice of Shamanism and Alchemy reaches back to the dawn of time. In the present day, these ancient practices are offered to those struggling on their own life journeys. The role of a Shamanic practitioner provides support and guidance to those who perhaps suffer from the pain of a physical, emotional or mental illness, or feel incomplete, stuck or unfulfilled in life.


You have landed on this earth and have experienced different aspects of life. Perhaps you have reached a point of feeling stuck or lost on your path. Wanting to push forward past those barriers. Or perhaps you have reached a point on your journey where you wish to grow and expand your knowledge.

We attach ourselves to emotional traumas from this life and past life's which restricts the true flow of energy within our souls matrix. 

Connecting to back to our soul reconnects us to the universal consciousness where we can heal and bring balance into our life. Clearing energy and ascending our souls to reconnect to our true essence.

The power to transform is in your hands. 









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Call Aimee for a consultation today



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